Program for Snap!Con 2022
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Plenaries (60 minutes) Hallway Track (360 minutes) Breaks (30 minutes) Show Your Project (3 minutes) Show all events
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08:00 AM PDT
Tom Lauwers
AI is an intelligence multiplier, in the same way that industrial machines are muscle multipliers. As our AI gets better, it will allow people to do more, faster, and better, in just about every field of work. Though the development of new AI methods remains the province of highly trained researchers, all of us are already interacting with AI daily, and so it’s important for everyone, and es...
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Kathy Giori
Physical Computing Workshop Agenda:
- Super quick introduction to physical computing, and the MicroBlocks IDE
- Watch this! Several brief demonstrations highlighting the "liveness" of MicroBlocks and how powerful it is to explore the physical world (very much like Snap! except perfect for exploring the physical w...
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Jo Watts, Glen Bull
Glen Bull, Jo Watts, and Rachel Gibson - University of Virginia Online Workshop
Creation of music offers an engaging way to introduce coding to novices. Participants in this workshop will have an opportunity to explore creation of music using blocks developed in TuneScope (, an extension of Snap! (Note: it is pos...
view more, Susan Klimczak, Beth Lloyd
In this workshop, we will make designs in TurtleStitch for a computerized embroidery machine. After you create a design that you love and do not have access to a machine, the global TurtleStitch community friends will embroider & mail you your design!
TurtleStitching is a mix of art, design and technology. It affords a rich area of exploration for beginners and experts. The i...
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12:00 PM PDT
Georgia Gouros
Audience: teachers and students (Year 9 to Year 12) Presenter: Georgia Gouros, Virtual School Victoria, Melbourne, Australia Website:
Stacks, Queues, Priority Queues, Dictionaries and Graphs are very useful structures for stori...
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08:00 AM PDT
Tilman Michaeli
The possibilities of artificial intelligence and its influence on our everyday lives are expanding rapidly. To participate in an increasingly digital world and make informed decisions about AI and its impact on our society, everyone needs a basic understanding of AI. However, it is important not only to explain the corresponding phenomena, but also to enable everyone to actively shape this w...
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Paul Goldenberg, June Mark, Kristen Reed, Zak Kolar, Deborah Spencer, Kathryn Chiappinelli, Kate Coleman
Names and Affiliations of Presenters: • Paul Goldenberg, Education Development Center (EDC) • June Mark, EDC • Deborah Spencer, EDC • Kristen Reed, EDC • Kate Coleman, EDC • Katie Chiappinelli, EDC • Zachary Kolar, Waltham Public Schools
Significance and Relevance of the Topic:
The Math+C project at Education Development Center (EDC) is developing m...
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Joan Guillén
Snap! Moodle plugins
Link to Materials and Workshop online spaces
Add to your Moodle activities the ability to include Snap! projects
- You can include Snap!, Snap4...
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Brendan Henrique, Jadga Hügle, Victoria Phelps
What do you think about, when you think of AI? I am sure that Wall-E, R2D2 and maybe Ava from the movie Ex Machina are among the thoughts that go through your head. Our associations with AI often go directly to imagining human-like robots. It is difficult for us to imagine that something can be intelligent without being or looking human. It is similar for learners. The easier we make it for ...
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08:00 AM PDT
Harley Lara, Ilgar Rasulov, Ali Farzizada, Rolf Becker
Hands-on Workshop on Combining Snap! with the NVIDIA Jetson AI Embedded Systems
Together we will create a Snap! game based on fruits and vegetables detection (image classification).
Local and remote attendance possible!
Trainers: Harley, Ilgar, Ali and Rolf (in Heidelberg)
We will use the NVIDIA Jetson Nano computers we brought ...
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Ken Kahn
Snap! has the ability to make projects that define, train, and use neural network models. All that is necessary are list and arithmetic operations. But even with hyperblocks and the ability to compile blocks the programs will run several times slower than similar programs that use the Graphics Processor Unit (GPU). But speed isn't the only roadblock to integrating neural networks into your p...
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12:00 PM PDT
Kelsey Derringer
During this live, interactive session, participants will code and control real mini golfing robots remotely, LIVE! Using our online video and coding platform, CodeJoy.Live, watch as your code controls our cardboard robots during our Robot Mini Golf session. Play along with our main character Elby, chat with Matt the Robot, and code and control real robots remotely!
During the worksh...
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