Jens Mönig, Jadga Hügle

After more than a year of pandemic-induced isolation, now is the time for "wide-walls". We have begun to open up Snap! to other forms of collaboration and to a wider variety of project domains. This in itself is an ongoing common effort in which many from around the world participate with their ideas, designs and contributions. A new major Snap! release planned for later this year revolves a...
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Jeremy Millard, Ken Kahn, Richard Millwood, Nathalie Carrié, Akos Ledeczi, Gordon Stein, Glen Bull, Marnie Hill, Andreas Gräfl

The first of two lightning (five-minute) talk sessions.

Lightning talks are listed in the order they are scheduled, but do no count on each talk starting exactly as scheduled. Each speaker will have 5 minutes, with the remaining time at the end to be used for Q&A.

  1. Three new blocks. A w...
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Karina Edmonds, Dan Garcia

Take a look at any kid’s laptop, notebook, school locker, or bedroom and you will see it full of stickers, drawings, and posters that allow them to express their creativity and identity. By contrast, most technology education (curricula and tools) are one-size-fits-all. Educators and developers should instead allow for deep customization, at many levels, to give students ownership of their e...
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Ken Kahn, Luis Mayorga, Samo Koprivec , Yoshiki Ohshima, Daniel Jackson, Alexandra Abramova, Russell Morland

The second of two lightning (five-minute) talk sessions.

Lightning talks are listed in the order they are scheduled, but do no count on each talk starting exactly as scheduled. Each speaker will have 5 minutes, with the remaining time at the end to be used for Q&A.

  1. view more


Andrea Mayr-Stalder

Over the last few years, the TS community has grown not only in size but also in diversity, integrating people from different cultures, ages and genders. We believe this has to do with the specific attraction that textiles generate. Every culture has a specific textile tradition which reaches directly into the daily lives of everyone, evocating both personal as well as collective memories, g...
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Simon Walters, Bernat Romagosa

Add your project to the list

If you'd definitely like a chance to present your project, please make a post in the forum. We'll also be taking sign ups during the session, if there is time.

What are you actually doing with Snap!? This is a time to share your recent...
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Akos Ledeczi, Brian Broll

NetsBlox is an extension of Snap! that introduces two new concepts for developing distributed applications: RPCs and message passing. These two concepts open up a plethora of possibilities accessible to beginners. RPCs can be used to access existing web services like Google Maps, Twitter, ThingSpeak, and The MovieDB or real-world datasets including climate, eclipse, and COVID data. Message p...
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Jens Mönig, Brian Harvey, Jadga Hügle, Michael Ball, Bernat Romagosa

The Snap! team will share their perspectives on what we think is a possibility for the future.

We make no promises about what we'll build about when or how we'll build features, but we'll share the why behind decision making. And of course we'll have plenty of time for Q&A!
