Program for Snap!shot 2021

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Bernat Romagosa

Reminder: Due to the quick schedule, lightning talk times are approximate! Times are likely to be off by a few minutes.**

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Dan Garcia

(4 minutes) I created a Snap! project that helps with playing the Sudoku and "Letter Boxed" NY Times puzzles. My 12yo daughter and I started playing NY Times Sudoku together ( -- neither of us had ever really played before, I missed the early wave when everyone was playing it ...
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Thomas Price

These projects demonstrate a new interactive video recording and playback feature in Snap. Students watch a video lecture in the Snap IDE, with all of the instructors actions played for them in time to the audio. Students can pause at any point to interact with the code the instructor creates.

This is still a prototype, and many features are not finished, but these projects ...
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Brian Broll, Thomas Price

This project is designed to teach programming basics (loops, variables, procedures, conditionals) through a fun-to-create game. The game is genuinely interesting and enjoyable, based on the Okay? app with millions of downloads, but students can create almo...
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Thomas Price

These projects demonstrate prototype game engine and physics engine features for Snap (on a separate instance). The game engine extension is just a demo / work in progress, but current features allow students to create powerful games:

  • Camera blocks allow the programmer to move the camera around the stage's world, beyond the usual 480x360 dimensions. Blocks all...
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Jesus Villalobos

We have modified Snap! to be able to embed the XML for the script (or block) inside the PNG file as metadata. When you drag the PNG back onto Snap! it asks you whether you'd like to import it as a picture/costume or as a script/block...

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A math game made by a six-year-old girl.

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Yuan Garcia

We made a small Filled Graphics Library in Snap! (using JavaScript). This is important because Snap! mostly draws lines and it's hard to draw solid shapes (especially with curves). This library allows Snap! users to include filled wedges, ellipses, and parallelograms in their projects. Unlike the raw JavaScript which uses the world coordinate system, we follow the turtle graphics model from ...
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Isaac Merritt

The Data Science In Snap! (DASIS) library allows students without prior programming experience to learn and explore Data Science Principles. The DASIS library brings new functionality to Snap! with support for data tables and visualization. This demo will showcase the main features of the DASIS library, including: data importation from a data file, table creation, basic table manipulation, a...
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Simon Walters

The Mayflower MAS400 is an AI craft designed to cross the Atlantic ocean autonomously. I wrote a project to track it's progress and showed it off at Snap!Con21.

Since then, it's been polished quite a lot, so I think an update report is in order :)

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My proposal is about fish because the TOTM Topic Of The Mouth was all about fish and it took me about 2-3 days to make it.

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Zcyyt!%20Edition The Project

ZCYos is the first OS in Snap! Made with Snapinator to convert it from Sb3 to XML. Features are: Control Panel, Time (EST), ZCYweb, 3rd Party Apps (Comment an app su...
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Jo Watts

TuneScope uses the W3C Web Audio API to extend the music capabilities of Snap!. A looping pedal allows a musician to capture and repeat music tracks to create a song. The TuneScope MIDI Capture block enables a music track to be captured using a MIDI keyboard in the same manner as a traditional looping pedal. The TuneScope looping blocks will be demonstrated in this presentation.

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