Presented by:

Dan Garcia
Dan Garcia is a Teaching Professor in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. He was selected as an ACM Distinguished Educator in 2012 and ACM Distinguished Speaker in 2019, and is a national leader in the "CSforALL" movement, bringing engaging computer science to students normally underrepresented in the field.
Thanks to four National Science Foundation grants, the "Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC)" non-majors course he co-developed has been shared with over 800 high school teachers. He is delighted to regularly have more than 50% female enrollment in BJC, with a high mark of 65% in the Spring of 2018, shattering the campus record for an intro computing course, and is among the highest in the nation! He is humbled by the international exposure he and the course have received in the New York Times, PBS, NPR, and others media outlets. He is working on the BJC Middle School curriculum.

Irene Ortega
Irene is a fourth year Cognitive Science major with a focus on Computer Science. She is the Snap! team lead for Computer-Based Testing at UC Berkeley.

Bojin Yao
Master in C.S.
Volunteer Hosts
Thanks for helping with Snap!Con 2021!
No materials for the event yet, sorry!
Anyone can write a tried-and-true exam question that says “write a block according to the following specifications”, or “predict what does the following code do?”. We have collectively been authoring Snap! assessments (well, it was BYOB back in the day) for over 16 years, and would like to share some much more creative ways we’ve come up with to assess Snap! programming. The topics we will include and demo range from basic functions, domain/range, composition, testing, debugging, boolean logic, concurrency, higher-order functions, and recursion. Overall, we hope to demo over twenty different questions on many different topics. With each question, we’ll talk about the spirit behind the question, and why that question was a novel way of looking at the material. There will be ample time for Q&A throughout the presentation; when a presenter is not speaking, they will be active in the Zoom chat responding to questions and comments.
- Date:
- 2021 July 31 - 12:00 PST
- Duration:
- 1 h
- Room:
- Room 4
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2021
- Type:
- Panel