Verena Konrad

Digitization is progressing faster than ever, and basic IT education is becoming increasingly important for the future job market. This increases the importance of computer science and the use of digital media in the classroom. But how can these findings be integrated into the school education of the future generation? Interdisciplinary computer science lessons offer one pos...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos

Ken Kahn

We’ll demonstrate Snap! blocks for creating, training, and using deep neural networks. The focus will be upon the projects listed here: Examples of the range of projects that can be created with these blocks includes ones that predicts how one might rate the out...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos

Andreas Gräfl

Microcontroller starter kit for Snap!/MircroBlocks IDE

Building your own projects with a microcontroller isn’t easy. There is a large variety of sensors and actuators to choose from. But not all of them work reliably in the Snap!/MircroBlocks IDE. In the past we’ve faced difficulties using some sensors and actuators in our academies.

So, the question is what sensors and actua...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos

Tom Lauwers

The Finch Robot 2.0 is a new robot designed to support Computer Science education from kindergarten to college. Like the original Finch, Finch 2.0 can be programmed with Snap! on Windows, Macbooks, and Chromebooks. Unlike the original Finch, the new Finch connects via Bluetooth, an...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos

Brian Harvey, Paul Goldenberg, June Mark, Mary Fries

This poster presents the design principles of the Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) course. Snap! was created specifically to support the BJC curriculum, which was originally developed at UC, Berkeley and later adapted by Education Development Center, Inc. into a high school AP CSP course. BJC covers the AP framework but also t...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos

Maxson Yang, Gurkaran Singh Goindi, Penguinlay, Benjamin Belfus, Shannon Hearn, Jonas Ong, Alyssa Sugarman, Bojin Yao, Eduardo Huerta, Irene Ortega, Dan Garcia, Qitian Liao

In STEM higher education, courses conduct both formative and summative assessments in a manner that thwarts mastery learning and magnifies equity gaps in student preparation. In short, this is “constant time, variable learning”—course pacing is the same for all students regardless of learning speed, all students receive a small number of “one-shot” summative assessments at the same time, and...
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Poster / Demo
Posters and Demos