Program for Snap!Con 2019

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Unscheduled events

Brian Harvey, Jens Mönig

Snap!/BYOB celebrates its 11th birthday this fall. On this occasion, Jens and Brian, Snap!’s authors, look back on the very first experimental versions, at ideas that didn’t make it and on how Snap! became to be, what it is now. Brian Harvey is the author of the three-volume Computer Science Logo Style; the lead developer of Berkeley Logo; a co-developer, with Jens Mönig, of Snap!; and a lea...
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Dan Garcia

At a time when computing is so much a part of all of our lives, has incredible job opportunities, and is so empowering, most students graduate high school without having had any introduction to computer science. A decade ago in the United States, the CSforALL movement was launched to broaden participation in computing to those traditionally underrepresented. This talk will reflect on the cur...
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Jens Mönig, Michael Ball, Brian Harvey, Bernat Romagosa

See all the cool new features of Snap! 5.


Ken Kahn

Word embeddings is a technique in natural language processing whereby words are embedded in a high- dimensional space. They are used in sentiment analysis, entity detection, recommender systems, paraphrasing, text summarization, question answering, translation, and historical and geographic linguistics. We describe a Snap! Library that contains 20,000-word embeddings in 15 languages. Using a...
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