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I am a 2nd year Ph.D. student at the UC Berkeley School of Education where I study culturally relevant science pedagogies.

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In the past year, I have had the unique experience of teaching students (and teachers) Snap!. As a graduate student instructor for the Beauty and Joy of Computing I taught college students, as a lead instructor for the BJC pre-college academy I taught high school students and as the summer course instructor for a block-based programming teacher education class, I also taught K-12 teachers. In this talk, I will present an overview of core differences that I observed when introducing programming to different populations. Based on these three experiences, I’ll offer pedagogical recommendations when engaging in teaching Snap! to particular groups. I’ll relate my observations and recommendations to the burgeoning computing education literature and conclude by proposing future studies into Snap education research.

20 min
Room 1
Snap!Con 2022