Presented by:

Andrea Mayr-Stalder
Andrea Mayr-Stalder is an artist and educator. At the Vienna University children's office she leads the media literacy team and she is the founder of Turtlestitch, a platform and international community, using Snap! to bring together coding and textile making. What makes the community unique is its great diversity, engaging different age and gender groups from a wide range of cultural backgrounds across four continents.

Michael Aschauer
Volunteer Hosts
Thanks for helping with Snap!Con 2022!
Turtlestitch (TS) is a free platform, based on Snap!, enabling users to generate patterns for embroidery machines. It is easy to use, requiring no prior knowledge in programming, yet powerful in creating novel patterns for embroidery. It is widely used as a tool for innovative workshops, within and outside formal educational institutions, combining an introduction to programming with a haptic output.
Particularly for schools with strict data protection and privacy requirements, it can be difficult and sometimes impossible, to register students individually on an external platform like TS. In order to facilitate teaching in the group and to solve this registration problem, we have developed a solution that makes it easier to work with groups. We created two new user roles "teachers" and "temporary users". Users can be given the status of a teacher and register their students as "temporary users" on the platform through bulk registration without the need for individual email confirmation. In the talk, the solution will be presented (currently in test operation) and experiences, limitations but primarily facilitations through this offer will be reported. In a prepared group, the audience can also actively try out the group account.
- Duration:
- 20 min
- Room:
- Room 2
- Conference:
- Snap!Con 2022
- Type:
- Talk